Responsible Investment

NESPF takes its role as a responsible investor very seriously. As a long term investor the Fund has a duty to engage with the companies we invest in on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, and to work with others to effect change on ESG issues.

To enable us to accomplish this we are members/signatories of:

  • Local Authority Pension Fund Forum 
  • Principles of Responsible Investment
  • Climate Action 100+ - The Fund is a supporter of this initiative
  • Carbon Disclosure Project - Climate change program
  • Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety
  • ISSB's Climate Standard
  • 2022 Global Investor Statement
  • 2022 Non-Disclosure Campaign (NDC)

Our Statement of Investment Principles can be viewed on our Policies & Statements page.

  • Responsible Engagement - Issues the Fund has added its name to

    • CDP’s 2024 Non-Disclosure Campaign - June 2024

      We are delighted to take part in @CDP’s 2024 Non-Disclosure Campaign. Through the NDC, we are joining a group of 270+ global financial institutions in requesting environmental data and transparency from almost 2,000 companies.

      Disclosing through CDP creates essential data for action, enabling organizations to disclose once and ensure their data boosts access to capital, enhances competitiveness, and meets compliance.

      By disclosing through CDP's single corporate questionnaire, companies provide:

      • Consistent IFRS S2-aligned data by the end of 2024
      • TNFD-aligned data for financial decisions ahead of the market
      • High-quality data aligned with core ESRS datapoints

      Transparency in environmental reporting is key to making informed investments for a sustainable future. It's time for companies to be transparent about their environmental footprint and drive positive change. Learn more about the Non-Disclosure Campaign here.

    • ISSB’s Climate Standard - December 2023

      The Fund has signed a statement focused on advancing the adoption or use of the ISSB’s Climate Standard as the climate global baseline.

      COP28 marks the two-year anniversary since the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) was created.

      Climate risks are increasingly having a real effect on companies and capital. Therefore, in response to calls for climate action at COP28, we support the establishment of market infrastructure to enable consistent, comparable climate-related disclosures at a global level. We are committed to advancing the adoption or use of the ISSB’s Climate Standard as the climate global baseline.

    • Carbon Disclosure Project SBT Campaign - October 2023

      The 2023-2024 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) SBT Campaign is currently underway. CDP will send a letter on behalf of its Capital Markets signatories and Supply Chain members, to a pre-selected sample of over 2,100 high-impact companies, asking them to commit to and set 1.5°C-aligned Science-Based Targets.

    • 2022 Global Investor Statement - September 2022

      The Fund has added its name to the 2022 Global Investor Statement. This statement is signed by 602 investors representing almost USD $42 trillion in assets under management.

    • Carbon Disclosure Project SBT campaign - July 2022

      The annual Carbon Disclosure Project Science Based Targets campaign (SBT) offers us the opportunity to accelerate the adoption of science-based climate targets, by collaboratively engaging companies on this matter.

      To limit warming to 1.5°C, as stipulated in the Paris Agreement, global carbon emissions need to reach net-zero by 2050 at the latest. Science-based targets provide companies with a roadmap for reducing their emissions at the pace and scale that the science tells us is necessary for a 1.5°C world.

  • Local Authority Pension Fund Forum

    To enhance our governance strategy, the NESPF joined the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) in April 2007. The LAPFF promotes the highest standards of corporate governance to protect the long-term value of local authority pension funds.

    Find out more
  • Voting

    NESPF seeks to encourage the companies it invests in to operate the highest standards of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. As a major long term shareholder, the main tools open to the Fund to use its influence is by the responsible exercise of its voting power and engagement on social and environmental factors with the companies in which it invests.

    Find out more
  • Principles for Responsible Investment

    To enable the Fund to be more global in its engagements, we signed up to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in August 2010. To date, over 5,000 organisations from all over the world, representing $121tr of assets under management, have signed up to the Principles.

    Find out more


There are multiple strands in our approach to climate in terms of what we metrically collate and disclose. We engage with our fund managers on environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and the impact of the companies in which they invest. Learn more about climate disclosures, what we directly invest in, and biodiversity case studies below.

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